From £5.90 + VAT per 2.5m length

Baumit PVC Corner Beads

Baumit PVC corner bead profile is:-

  • an easy to use, PVC corner profile with fibreglass mesh welded to it’s surface for strength.
  • for reinforcing all 90 degree corners around windows, doors.
  • for reinforcing all building corners.
  • for use with with all thin layer renders.

Product overview

Where is it used?

  • The beads should be used on all 90 degree corners within Baumit thin layer render systems.
  • They can also be used with any other thin layer render system such as acrylic, silicate, silicone or polymer renders.

How is it used?

  • The Baumit PVC corner bead profiles should be installed prior to the main mesh.
  • Cut the beads to length and then adhere the bead to the corner by applying a generous layer of render and seating the bead on it.
  • Trowel the bead in to the render, ensuring that the render comes up through the bead.
  • Finally, confirm that the bead is vertical and in the correct position before leaving the render to set.

How much will you need?

Each length of Baumit PVC corner bead profile is 2.5m long and the pieces can be joined so simply measure the total running amount of corner.

Product videos

Baumit PVC Corner Beads

Play Video

For a video guide on installing this product, please see the below

Technical details

Pricing & shipping

This product comes in long lengths and where it has to be sent individually (not on top of a pallet) it will be sent by courier, costing around £35 + VAT

Length of profile [m]Single piece cost Pack of 50

Book your free project consultation

We’d like to hear from you. Call us on 01392 861763 or email us at with any questions or comments.

If you can’t seem to find what you need on our website or you have large quantities of materials to purchase please contact us for a chat and we’ll offer you a more bespoke solution.

We’re normally open from 8.30 am to 5 pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30 am to 1pm on Friday.
